Thanks for choosing the Local Choice Food Box!
We look forward to providing you with fresh, local, organically grown food this summer!

Ordering your CSA requires a simple three-step process. First we'll collect contact information below to to get you registered in our database. Once you have been registered you'll be sent to the order page where you can pick which CSA(s) to purchase.

On-line payment will be accepted via Google Checkout. Be sure to get your early registration discount by entering "early signup" in Google's "Use a Coupon" field.

If you prefer to register by mail, please use the Printable Form. Fill in your order, print the page and mail it along with a check to the address on the form. We will notify you by phone or e-mail when we receive your form.

If you are interested in hosting a pick-up site at your home or business, please contact Erik prior to purchasing a box to receive your discount coupon code. Thanks for joining the Local Choice Food Box!

Progress: Register - Choose Boxes - Checkout

First Name:

Last Name:

Address 1:

Address 2:





Email Address:

Pickup Location:

Please choose a log-in name and password. You will use these to log-in to our site each week to choose the items that go into your box.


If you were referred by a friend, please list their name below so they can receive 10% off their box!

Friend's Name:

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