Clayton Burrows and Growing Washington featured as one of the 100 top innovators in Seattle (09/02/08)
In an article titled, Practical Solutions for Small Farms, author Julia Steinberger highlights Growing Washington’s approach and it mission to raise, move, represent and grow food and farmers in Washington State through tangible, meaningful, lasting, and fun community and charitable projects. She interviewed director Clayton Burrows for the feature series: "Seattle to the World: 100 Best Innovations from the Emerald City."
Growing Washington's Alm Hill Gardens, director Clayton Burrows named one of the "Best Farmers Market Vendors in Seattle" by Seattle Cook Local Examiner's writer, Patricia DiGiacomo Eddy. (09/01/08)
Patricia Eddy, a regular customer, an excellent writer, and a woman with great taste lists Alm Hill as one of the top six farms in Seattle’s wildly popular farmers markets, and includes some flattering words for director Clayton Burrows, Growing Washington, and our presence at the year-round Ballard Farmers Market.
Best Farmers Market Vendors in Seattle
Growing Washington Director Clayton Burrows and Auburn School District Food Service Director Eric Boutin featured in Seattle’s Child magazine. (09/01/08)
Looking at the strengths and weaknesses of farm to school programs throughout the state, this article focuses on the challenges that have been overcome and the opportunities that still exist to expand the idea that local farmers ought to be feeding local folks.
To read the article click here
Growing Washington’s Clayton Burrows featured in Seattle Magazine article (09/01/08)
Emerging as one of Washington’s leaders on farm to school issues, Clayton was interviewed for an in-depth article featured in Seattle Magazine and talks about the challenges and opportunities of farm to school, Growing Washington’s approach, and the necessity of farmers to work closely with willing community members to create tangible, meaningful relationships between local producers and consumers.
To see the Online Article, Click Here
To see the Print Article, Click Here
Dana Zemel and Growing Washington’s Local Food Exchange featured on Slow Food International’s Website (08/06/08).
Gearing up to head to Italy again for a huge Slow Food event, Dana was featured on Slow Food’s website for her work with Growing Washington and the Local Food Exchange. A graduate of the University of Gastronomic Sciences, Growing Washington is lucky to have Dana on our team. Her love of local food and farming systems (and men) spans the continents!
To read the article on Dana, Click Here
Alm Hill Featured on Seattle-based Tilth Restaurant Menu (08/06/08)
Award winning chef Maria Hines is known for helping to put Northwest Food and Farmers on the culinary map. Her new restaurant, Tilth, located in the heart of Seattle’s Wallingford neighborhood, is known for featuring local cuisine and for being a certified organic restaurant. Recently, Alm Hill Gardens was honored to be featured on the restaurant’s menu! Tlth’s sous chef, Larkin Young, can be found shopping every week at the Ballard Sunday Market, and it is there that he connected with director Clayton Burrows and started to delve into Alm Hill’s great selection of produce.
Click Here to see the menu
Alm Hill Gardens and Growing Washington featured on WSU Website (August, 2008)
Washington State University’s Betsy Fradd put together a great story on Alm Hill Gardens and its transition to a community farm. Looking at the involvement of Growing Washington’s new generation and Latino farmers, the article is testimony to the necessity of creative farm succession planning in a changing and challenging food and farming system.
Read the WSU Article now.
Bellingham Herald featured Alm Hill’s gardens in beautiful online photo gallery (July 30, 2008)
For those who believe that pictures speak louder than words, we encourage you to visit a beautiful photo gallery of Alm Hill Gardens put together by the Bellingham Herald’s staff photograph Max Bittle. Taken one early morning in July, Mr. Bittle’s images capture the energy and essence of a Northwest Organic farm on a harvest morning.
View the Photo Essay
Cover Story Article in Bellingham Herald on Growing Washington, Alm Hill Gardens, and our Cooperative Approach to Agriculture (July 30, 2008)
Bellingham Herald staff writer John Stark attended the WSU/Tilth Sponsored Farm Walk at Alm Hill Gardens and wrote this article after spending the day learning about the farm’s past, present and future. Focusing on the team approach to agriculture at the farm, Mr. Stark’s article is a fair and well-rounded look at one of Washington’s oldest organic farms.
Read the Cover Story in the Herald now.
Growing Washington’s Clayton Burrows and Tyler Fey Featured on King 5 “Up Front” Segment (07/06/08)
King 5 caught up with Clayton and Tyler at the Columbia City Farmers Market for inclusion in their profile of local and global food systems. The feature also looks at a new book, The End of Food, and discusses where local farmers fit into the global picture.
To see the whole 20 minute segment click here
Upcoming Farm Walk at Alm Hill Gardens featured on WSU Outreach Site (07/04/08)
On July 28th, both English and Latino Farmers will join together at Alm Hill to learn about the production practices at the farm and to learn about the budding cooperative taking place there between new generation and Latino farmers.
Learn more about the Farm Walk by visiting the WSU Website.
Growing Washington farmer Vincent Felice interviewed and featured in the premiere issue of What’s Fresh Now, a publication distributed by King County and the Cascade Harvest Coalition (06/30/08)
Making its debut to the Northwest, What’s Fresh Now will be the regularly distributed publication that Mary, Mark, and our friends at Cascade Harvest will use to disseminate information about Puget Sound Fresh and other regional projects. For their premier issue they chose none other than legendary Vincent Felice—one of the hardest working farmers in Washington—to interview.
Read the newsletter now
Dana Zemel, Local Food Exchange and Growing Washington Featured in Bellingham Herald Article (06/12/08)
The Bellingham Herald dropped by the Local Food Exchange as Dana and Amaris were working on getting the shop set up for business. Serving as a 6-day-a-week outlet for NW Washington farmers, the Food Exchange will be a marketing assett for local producers. In addition, it will serve as a hub for local food distribution, will have cold storage, will be a pick-up and drop-off point for CSA boxes, and will help rural producers connect with urban customers in an efficient and cost-effective manner.
Read more here.
Alm Hill Gardens featured at Rover's Restaurant in Seattle to help support Good Food documentary (06/11/08)
Joined by the farmers and ranchers from Skagit River Ranch, Bluebird Grain, Wilson Fish, and Blue Heron Farm, Clayton Burrows and Andreah Decker represented Growing Washington and Alm Hill Gardens and helped world-renowned chef Thierry Rautureau of Rover's raise money for distributing the just-released Good Food documentary created by Melissa Young and Mark Dworkin. The film, which features organic pioneers Gretchen Hoyt, Ben Craft, and the awesome Alm Hill Crew, was just recently received by packed houses at the Seattle International Film Festival.
Read more about the event.
View pictures of the event.
Growing Washington Director Clayton Burrows Featured on KBCS 91.3 Voices of Diversity segment titled Local Foods, in Our Schools and Our Communities (06/07/08)
Joined by Jessie Grey, Reverend Robert Jeffrey, Joaquin Uy (host), WSU King County's Tricia Sexton, and Auburn Food Service Director Eric Boutin, the Voices of Diversity segment chatted with Clayton and focused on the opportunities and challenges presented when attempting to implement the new Local Farms - Healthy Kids legislation that recently zipped through our legislature.
To hear the radio show click here.
Gretchen Hoyt, Ben Craft, our amazing farmers, and Alm Hill Gardens profiled in documentary showing at Seattle International Film Festival (06/08)
Featuring interviews and footage from both at Alm Hill Gardens and at the markets the farm attends, the documentary Good Food does a great job of telling a little bit about the history and purpose behind one of Washington's best organic farms. This lively tour of various Washington state farms and ranches that have adopted healthier organic methods in raising their products offers several lucid arguments in favor of smaller, more efficient farms, and purchasing locally grown crops. Still, none are as convincing as the marvelous bounty laid before our eyes in this film.
Learn more about the Good Food documentary and the Seattle International Film Festival here.
Carrie Palk and the famous tulips from Alm Hill Gardens featured in Seattle Times Story (05/08)
Featuring both Carrie and the beautiful flowers grown by Alm Hill Gardens, this little story in the Seattle Times highlights one of Alm Hill's most famous products and also talks about the odd weather that defined farming in NW Washington from January well into June.
Read the story in the Times now
Growing Washington's Growing Whatcom Multiple Farm CSA featured in Community Food Co-op publication (04/08)
In its latest Community News publication, the Bellingham Community Food Co-Op features all of the CSA programs in Whatcom County, including Growing Washington's Growing Whatcom CSA, a multiple farm CSA supported and supplied by over a dozen local and organic farms. To read the article click here.
Read the Feature
Bellingham Community Food Co-Op writes feature article on Growing Washington in its latest Community News publication (03/08)
This great article talks about Growing Washington's efforts in NW Washington, and details many of our community and charitable projects including our Farm to Cafeteria project, the Food Bank Farm, the Just Food CSA, our restaurant and farmer coalitions, and the Growing Whatcom CSA. We encourage you to read this great article composed by Kevin Murphy.
Read the Article
Local Farm - Healthy Kids Legislation Passes; Clayton Burrows interviewed for Bellingham Herald Story (03/01/08)
The Local Farms - Healthy Kids Legislation, which supports farm to school, farm to foodbank, and other issues Growing Washington has been working on for years breezes through the state legislature!
Read the Story
Alm Hill Gardens Featured in upcoming Good Food documentary on local food in the Pacific Northwest (02/17/08)
See Ben and Gretchen and the Alm Hill Crew in action in this sneak peak preview of a soon-to-be released documentary on Pacfic Northwest food and farmers. The film is shot on location at the Columbia City Farmers Market in Seattle and at the farm in Everson.
Watch the sneak peak here.
Growing Washington and Local Farms legislation featured on King 5 News Segment (02/07/08)
The King 5 television crew met up with Clayton Burrows, Andrew Stout and Erin MacDougall at Stout's Full Circle Farm to discuss the Local Farms - Healthy Kids inititiative and its ability to Help Washington Farmers Feed Washington Folks.
See the coverage.
Director Clayton Burrows interviewed on Green A.C.R.E. radio (02/04/08)
Clayton was recently interviewed at the Ballard Farmers Market by Green A.C.R.E. radio as part of a program focuses on a statewide legislative initiative to replicate Growing Washington’s model farm to school program.
Click here to listen
Article in The Olympian covers farmers’ testimony to State Legislature (01/24/08)
Local farmers descended upon Olympia to let our legislature’s agricultural committees know that if the government supports and invests in local food economies that growers will respond by bringing their farms straight to schools!
To read the article click here
Seattle P.I. article features Growing Washington’s Authentic Soups handcrafted by made by Vincent Felice and Gabrielle Santerre (1/15/07)
Since October Vincent and Gabby have served up hundreds, closing in on thousands, of gallons of soup made from produce from our farms or from other farms. If you attend the University District Market on Saturdays or the Ballard Farmers Market on Sundays and see a stand that smells great and has a long line, you have likely come across our Authentic Soup Stand. What started out as a way to keep two farmers employed during the winter is leading to catering gigs, restaurant inquiries, and an increasingly loyal customer base.
To read more about the Soup Angels click here
Capital Press runs guest column by Growing Washington’s Clayton Burrows (01/04/08)
The Capital Press is the West’s best agricultural newspaper, and it is also showing its support for the work of Growing Washington and for the efforts of Local Farmers to Feed Local Folks.
To read the column click here
Clayton Burrows and Vincent Felice featured in the Washington Environmental Council's legislative kickoff newsletter (01/08)
Using Growing Washington's experience with farm to school as model that could be replicated into a statewide program, the Local Farms - Healthy Kids Campaign, led by WEC and focused on creating a more robust presence of local foods in local schools, is kicking off! Growing Washington is confident that the bill's timing is ripe and that despite a short session the bill will be funded and strongly supported in our state legislature.
Check out the feature and the great photo
Director Clayton Burrows co-authors Seattle P.I. guest column with Washington Environmental Council Director Joan Crooks (12/18/07)
The Local Farms – Healthy Kids campaign is gaining speed in the state legislature. The hope is to replicate farm to school programs like the ones Growing Washington operates throughout the state. While Growing Washington abstains from political lobbying, we are quite loud about supporting the notion that Washington Farmers ought to be feeding Washington Folks!
To read the column click here
Director Clayton Burrows and Growing Washington featured on KUOW Sound Focus Radio Program (10/30/07)
Clayton participated in a wide-ranging interview while setting up for the Columbia City Farmers Market. Listen to KUOW speak with him about his youth, about his love for bears, and about how Growing Washington is unpaving the way for a new generation of Washington farmers.
Click here to listen
Farm to School Article’s author discusses Growing Washington’s role as a benevolent broker with Clayton Burrows (10/16/07)
This article on the cover of the Seattle P.I. discusses the barriers to farm to school programs, and takes a look at how Growing Washington farmers, as well as other farmers throughout the state, are making a difference.
To read the story click here
Vincent Felice, manager of our farm at 21 Acres, is featured (again) on the cover of the Woodinville Weekly (10/08/07)
Folks in Woodinville can’t get enough of farmer Vincent Felice’s energy, enthusiasm, and contagious passion for farming. See the good looking farmer holding a good looking tomato in this article, and learn more about Growing Washington’s team approach to agriculture.
To read the cover article click here
Amaris Lunde, Gretchen Hoyt, Mike Cohen featured in Whatcom Independent as representatives from Growing Washington, Alm Hill Gardens, and Bellingham Food Bank plant the fields at the Food Bank Farm (09/26/07)
The Food Bank Farm team, based on the efforts of the folks above (and Rio Thomas of Small Potatoes, too), got off to a great start in the summer of 2007.
To read the article titled “Outgrowing Hunger” please click here
Amaris Lunde, Gretchen Hoyt, Rio Thomas, along with Alm Hill Gardens, Growing Washington, and Small Potatoes Gleaning Project featured in Bellingham Herald’s article on our newly rooted Food Bank Farm (09/02/07)
Initiated in 2007, the Food Bank Farm is already producing tons of nutrient-dense food for Whatcom County residents who need it most. A community project backed by a cooperative approach, the Food Bank Farm is delivering food to the Bellingham Food Bank in increasing amounts. Volunteers are always needed!
To read about some amazing ladies and about the Food Bank Farm click here
Growing Washington Farmers throw “one hell of a party” at Mona’s Bistro and Lounge (08/18/07)
What was planned on being a peaceful fundraising dinner party featuring foods from our Alm Hill and 21 Acres farms quickly escalated into hoe-down only farmers could keep up with!
To read one attendee’s experience click here
Growing Washington and Alm Hill Gardens featured in cover story in Capital Press (08/13/07)
Cookson Beecher at the Capital Press did a great job of profiling the evolving relationship between Alm Hill Gardens and Growing Washington, about our approach to agriculture, and about the unique succession that is occurring at one of Washington’s finest small farms.
To read the in-depth article click here
Vincent Felice and Growing Washington featured in King County Farm to School article in Class Act (11/04/06)
The first students started working at the 21 Acres farm shortly after we broke ground, emphasizing the importance of school connections to our farming operations.
To read the article click here
Washington Health Foundation awards Growing Washington Healthy Systems Challenge Grant (2006)
Growing Washington has teamed up with one of our state’s most progressive foundations to help promote healthy living and healthy lifestyles in Washington schools.
To read the press release click here