Wholesale Orders
Growing Washington grows and provides amazing wholesale and specials orders of organic vegetables, berries, poultry and products, in-season and when available.
Delivery and pick up:
As the farm is six miles south of the Canadian border, we try to coordinate and combine trips. Often this means having the wholesale or special order available at one of the many farmers markets we attend, at Pike Place Market, or riding along with our CSA trip deliveries. Orders can also be placed conveniently with the Puget Sound Food Hub.
To ask what's available and place an order:
Call or email Kristi at (360) 510-4763 /
Year Round
8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

1501 Pike Place #2, Seattle, WA 98101
Pike Place Farmers Market
Growing Washington maintains a year-round, full-service produce and value-added store in the main arcade of Pike Place Market. We are open daily from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. In addition, you can find us out on the cobblestones May-December selling berries and frozen granita drinks during the warm months and selling Xmas trees and wreaths during the holidays.
Led by Ashley, our Pike Place Goddess! Come on down, bring the kids, dive into the berries and see all of what Growing Washington has to offer at the world-famous public market!
Market website →
Sundays, all year
10am - 3pm

Vernon Place NW &
22nd Avenue NW
Ballard Farmers Market
Find us on the corner of Ballard Ave NW and Vernon Place NW.
Led by Kristi, Jen and Maggie. Let them fill your plate with the season's best, tell them your best joke and serenade them with your loudest song!
Market website →
Sundays, all year
11am - 3pm

Broadway Avenue E &
E Pine Street
Broadway Farmers Market
(Capitol Hill)
Find us down Broadway by the bus shelter.
Led by Zach and Gabby, Capitol Hill's hippest produce duo! Learn from their many years of farming experience, produce expertise and CSA know-how. Growing Washington's favorite new market!
Market website →
Columbia City Farmers Market
Find us in the middle of the market by the park, just off Rainier Avenue.
Led by Carl, the youngest buck in Columbia City! Come by, bring the kids to eat and play in the park and shop at Growing Washington during the midweek to get all your favorite veggies and berries!
Market website →
May 3rd to Oct 11th
Wednesdays, 3 - 7pm

37th Avenue S &
S Edmunds Street
Lake City Farmers Market
Find us right at the north entrance, next to the Library off Lake City Way.
Led by Zach, serving up Lake City's greatest locally grown produce! Come by, bring the kids, dive into the berries and see why great things are happening at Lake City!
Market website →
Jun 8th to Oct 5th
Thursdays, 3 - 7pm

NE 125th Street &
28th Avenue NE
Mercer Island Farmers Market
1/2 mile south of I-90 at Mercerdale Park, between 77th and 78th Avenue SE. Find us in the middle of the market a'hootin and a'holerin!
Led by Tempeste, our organic Jedi Master on the scene, wheeling and produce dealing. Come to the island with the kids, dive into the best berries and greatest organic produce Mercer Island ever hosted!
Market website →
Jun 4th to Oct 8th
Sundays, 10am - 3pm

SE 32nd Street &
77th Avenue SE
Jun 1st to Oct 12th
Thursdays, 3 - 7pm

W Crockett Street &
Queen Anne Avenue N
Queen Anne Farmers Market
Find us mid-block on Crockett Street, under the big tree.
Led by Alexis, a dog's best friend and the sweetest lady you'll ever buy your dinner from! Come by, bring the kids, and visit us midweek to get all your favorite veggies and berries!
Market website →
Jun 15th to Oct 22nd
Thursdays, 10am - 2pm

Terry Avenue N &
Harrison Street
Find us in Amazon Plaza, in the middle of the market raising a ruckus!
Led by Carl, the brashest of the bunch! Swing on through during your workday to get all the fixings for your midweek meals, scrumptious snacks and bodacious berries!
Market website →
South Lake Union Farmers Market
Saturdays, all year
9am - 2pm

University Way NE &
50th Street
University Farmers Market
Find us on the corner of University Ave and 50th in the U District.
Led by Noa and Carl, the oldest and youngest of Growing Washington marketing powerhouses! They are both full of all the latest goings-on of the farm, details of the season and the best recipes for making the most of our veggies, berries and birds!
Market website →
Wallingford Farmers Market
Find us at Meridian Park, in the middle of the market raising a ruckus!
Led by Maggie and Jacob, Wallingford's answer to local produce. Come on through with the kids to get all the fixing for your midweek meal, scrumptious snacks and bodacious berries!
Market website →
May 17th to Sep 27th
Wednesdays, 3 - 7pm

N 50th Street &
Meridian Avenue N
West Seattle Farmers Market
Find us in the street lead booth across from Cupcake Royale!
Led by Noa and Carl, the farm's wildest couple of characters. Visit us at West Seattle for the most scrumptious organic berries and veggies. Come see why the West-side is the Best-side!
Market website →
Sundays, all year
10am - 2pm

44th Ave SW &
SW Alaska Street
Shoreline Farmers Market
We are in Sears' upper parking lot, next to the Central Market. Find us in the middle of the market raising a ruckus!
Led by Alexis, Shoreline's answer to your organic produce needs! Bring the kids, load up on all the farm's great organic berries and veggies, talk the latest and greatest spinning music, and join the fun!
Market website →
Jun10th to Oct 7th
Saturdays, 10am - 3pm

N 155th Street &
Aurora Avenue N
Bellevue Farmers Market
Find us right at the entrance to the market, in the Bellevue Presbterian Church Parking Lot.
Led by Carl, serving up Bellevue's best farm freshness! Come find all of Growing Washington's amazing berries, veggies, herbs and more. Bring the entire family, have dinner, join the fun!
Market website →
May 18th to Oct 12th
Thursdays, 3 - 7pm

Bellevue Way NE &
NE 17th Street
Jun 1st to Sept 27th
Wednesdays, 12 - 5pm

Mill Avenue &
10th Street
Fairhaven Farmers Market
Find us under gazebo nearest the corner on 10th Street, in the Fairhaven Village Green.
Led by Cara, serving up Bellingham's best organic berries and veggies! Come see why Whatcom County's oldest direct-market farm continues to be the best!
Market website →
Apr 3rd to Dec 20th
Saturdays, 10am - 3pm
Jan through March
Every 3rd Saturday
10am - 3pm

Terry Avenue N &
Harrison Street
Bellingham Farmers Market
Find us in Depot Square, under the covered roof across from Boundary Bay!
Led by Cecelia, serving up Bellingham's tastiest and freshest! Come see why Whatcom County's oldest direct-market farm continues to be the best!
Market website →